Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Google Tour Builder

In light of the current Ebola crisis in West Africa, the 12th grade English Language Arts teachers at The Hot Zone, which explores the origins and outbreaks of one of the most deadly viruses known to man. With all the information currently available on the outbreak, we wanted to give our students the opportunity to delve deeper into research of the virus. We gave groups of students the task of researching the outbreak with the intention of presenting to a specific target audience, ranging from American children to the citizens of East African countries. The major learning target was that students would be able to present complex and sensitive information to a target audience, focusing on what that specific group would need to know.
our school made a last-minute decision to start the year off with the novel

Google Tour Builder provided us with the perfect means of presenting the information the students had found, since much of it is directly connected to a geographical location. The great thing about Tour builder is that it is easy to use.  Once the Google Earth program is installed onto a device, all students will need is the Tour Builder plug-in and a Google account. They can sign into their accounts and begin working on a tour.  Students can choose locations and input text, images, and videos. Just like most Google tools, these tours save automatically and can be shared easily.

Tour Builder has so many applications in the classroom, and I can't wait to use it again!

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