Friday, December 19, 2014


“Being human totally sucks most of the time. Videogames are the only thing that make life bearable.” 

This quote pretty much sums up what life is like for most people living in 2044. The income gap is not so much a gap anymore as it is a gulf separating the extremely rich and completely destitute. Wade, one of the have-nots, lives in a dismal world of poverty and lonliness, and the only time he feels alive or connected is when he is plugged into the virtual reality of Oasis, a simulation of the real world. Although Wade is content living in this virtual utopia, his only real shot at any sort of upward mobility in society is through a puzzle designed by the mysterious creator of Oasis himself. The winner of this puzzle is promised fame and riches beyond compare, and people would kill, quite literally, to solve it.